This is where I talk about stuff that's happening in my life. Nothing TOO private, but not too sugarcoated either. I'm gonna try to keep things fairly positive here, or at the very least, not overly negative, stuff like that will go in Crybox.
3/3/25 - 8:36 PM
Subject: Switching browsers
Mood: Little upset at first, but now happy
So I officially switched over from Google Chrome to Firefox, after finding out GC stopped supporting uBlock Origin. But honestly? I like FF a LOT more.
2/26/25 - 7:01 AM
Subject: First post in a while again
Mood: Fine
First post in a while again, huh? Anywaysies, I'm gonna try my absolute hardest to finish (or at least make all the pages for) this site, that's my main goal the rest of this month and this coming up month. Believe you me, this site is gonna be adorbs and that is a FACT.
Subject: First post in a while
Mood: Content
...It's been a while hasn't it? I tend to completely forget about or lose interest in NeoCities rip. Anyways, updates: since like mid November(?) I've been having a huge Pokemon hyperfixation, and I actually bought Violet bc of it. The other day actually, I finished the main story stuff. Still kinda don't like Nemona. Anyways, happy holiday season, I hope you have a nice whatever you celebrate!
Subject: Smiling Friends
Mood: Entertained
My uncle gave me access to his HBO Max account and I finally got to watch Smiling Friends (so far I've only seen the first 5 episodes). I'd just been watching clips/compilations on YouTube before that, and I was very entertained. At first I was a bit hesitant to watch cause I thought some of the character designs were a bit too ugly for my taste, but then I watched some clips recently and was like "wait I actually love this show wtf". I also plan to watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force too because that's another Adult Swim show I love lol. Anyways, Pim and Alan my beloved.
Subject: Road trip
Mood: Bored, wanderlust?
I wanna go on a long drive. Not just the usual drives the fam and I sometimes go on at night where we drive to the next town over and back, but like. A full on road trip. No set destination, just a couple pit stops and whatnot, while blasting our favorite songs and playing road games. I wanna see more states than just the two we're always in. I need adventure! And NOT during the summer. Spring. It's the happy medium.
Subject: First entry
Mood: Content, kinda bored
Wowww ok first entry, huh? Anyways, today, I'm feeling...alright. Nothin' special really. Been workin on my site all day though. Good times