To put it simply, this is my venting space. I'll either be venting, complaining, or just expressing general negative feelings, and I will put a warning wherever neccessary for more sensitive or heavy topics. Read at your own discretion. My regular journal is here.
3/15/2025 - 5:09 PM
Subject: OSC
Mood: Feeling like I can't do anything
The object show community can really piss me off sometimes. You ship the funny objects and suddenly it's "cringe" and you're met with "they're literally just objects" which is a bullshit excuse bc these objects have human personalities and relationships. Y'all need to just let ppl have harmless fun.
3/2/2025 - 12:27 PM
Subject: Weirdos
Mood: Fine ig? Just annoyed at this specific thing
If you sexualize Pop'n charas like Poet, Minit's, Alicia, Sumire (canonically 14), Space Maco, and any who are implied to be or very much look like children, consider yourself an opp.
2/26/25 - 1:58 AM
Subject: My house
Mood: Hate this place
I wanna move already, I've been here for almost 11 years and it's getting too much. Our house in a pretty crappy state these days. We have mold (which I'm fairly certain is affecting us physically and even mentally) our toilets never always work right, I still share a room with my dad, our stove is acting up, our kitchen is too small and just. Agh. At least we're in the process of trying to get outta here but like. Please. Why can't April come soon enough.
Subject: A certain copypasta
Mood: Tired of the Pokemon fandom
Ok, imma bout to get real ranty here. See this?
This is Vaporeon.
If you couldn't already tell, Vaporeon here is very clearly intended to be full on animal-coded. Which means nobody in their right mind would think anything weird or gross about it, right? Right?? Well...
The Pokemon fandom is...incredibly, for lack of a nicer word, porn-brained. As in, they will sexualize anything that moves. Gardevoir gets this treatment the most, which is weird at best cosnidering Pokemon in general are animal-coded, but she's very humanoid. Vaporeon on the other hand? Straight up an animal. Not even a biped like Incineroar, for example. So, riddle me this; Why in the everloving FUCK did someone write a copypasta about
how a human could do you know what with a Vaporeon??
And of course it's from 4chan. That site is pretty much nothing but depravity and degeneracy. Now this wouldn't be nearly as bad if it didn't become a mainstream "joke". Because now, no matter what context Vaporeon is involved in, there is at least one fucker who comments the infamous starting line from this copypasta. And if you type "Vaporeon" into Google or YouTube search, one of the top results is "Vaporeon copypasta". Minors could stumble upon it and be scarred for life all because you goonerbrains can't come up with a "joke" that doesn't just boil down to "it's funny because it's porn". Y'all did the same shit with Ankha and Ankha Zone. Oh, and by the way? Do NOT look up any of the things I mentioned, I'm DEAD SERIOUS. ESPECIALLY if you're a minor. And don't even use the excuse of "morbid curiousity" either. Stop giving this stuff attention. Rant over.
Subject: Instagram again
Mood: Annoyed
Instagram's cropping has been annoying me to the point of wanting to leave the damn app (or at least stop posting art there), I might join Cara, and I plan to post all my art here.
Subject: Being blocked
Mood: Sad, quite hurt, honestly
Y'know, there's nothing that hurts quite like being blocked by someone for something so easily fixable. Like there's this thing called communication, learn it, maybe? And no, I will never understand or agree with people who block freely. I'm obviously not gonna stop them (though I SURE wish I could), but I sure as hell ain't gonna like it ever.
Subject: Pro-Israel ads, Instagram guidelines
Mood: Quite insulted, frankly
Instagram has been promoting pro-Israel ads to me. Because I toootally want to have propaganda from the country who is committing
literal genocide upon Palestine.TW: Genocide mention
I'm pro-Palestine all the way, and I mean it when I say do not interact with me if you're pro-Israel. And I'm actually scared to voice my opinion on my story because of the damn community guidelines. I've been wrongfully struck by things I've said on my story in the past, like one day I made a story post telling my followers to not, the key word is NOT, send me nudes (I believe I censored the word "nudes" with leet or asterisks or something btw) or anything like that since I was underage at the time. And Instagram took the post down, saying I was "soliciting" that kind of imagery. Like they ONLY saw the words "send" and "nudes" and made an assumption. So yeah, I have a huge problem with IG's guidelines.
Subject: Annoyances
Mood: Well, annoyed
Well, I'm already sick of the word demure. Not only is it EVERYWHERE, but Instgram has decided to make any note with the word a different color. Which wouldn't bother me as much as it does if it weren't for the fact that Instagram totally fucked up hashtags, so you can only see top posts instead of being able to see both top and recent posts like you used to be able to do. So basically what I'm saying is Instagram needs to stop adding pointless bullshit to their app and add things its users actually WANT.
Not to mention I've been on my period. I HATE periods my STOMACH hurts AGHCW: Period mention
Anyways, yeah, that's all my grievances for now.